How I Lost 23 Pounds in 2 Months for an Annual Ski Trip

3 things I changed in my diet and exercise routines

Paul Kim
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Li Sun from Pexels

I am not a nutritionist or a fitness expert. What I am is a software engineer who lives an inactive lifestyle in front of a computer screen for 8 hours a day. The lack of movement is the main reason I tend to gain weight — well, and junk food. After a long day of work, it’s hard to be motivated to do much of anything. Plopping on the couch and watching TV is my usual go-to. The only thing that really motivates me to deviate from this lazy routine is an annual ski trip. For this alone, I dedicate 2 months to get back into shape.

Every year, for the past 20 years, I coordinate a trip out west with my friends. It doesn’t always happen but more often than not it does. Whether it be to Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, etc, the one thing that is always the same is the burning in my legs from charging down a ski slope. At higher altitudes, the air is thinner and your body has to work harder for oxygen. Deprivation of this and a lack of fitness was a dangerous combination and would often lead to painful leg cramps.

To prevent this unpleasant experience from happening again, I formulated the following plan to increase my fitness level. It led to a surprising 23 pounds of weight loss. Standing at 5’8", I went from an overweight 188…

