3 Components You Should Include in Your Morning Routine

How to optimize your morning routine for improved sleep quality and better health.

Ashley Richmond
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Flenn May on Pexels

Morning routines are everywhere. I love them. I love reading about what successful people do in the morning, and I love playing around with my own morning routine.

But this isn’t one of those routines. This isn’t a routine geared for productivity, although that is a likely side effect. In fact, it isn’t a routine at all.

Rather, this article is about 3 simple and easy practices for you to incorporate into your current morning routine. These practices will help you to optimize your circadian rhythm, which in turn is going to lead to improved sleep quality as well as improved health in general.

The practices are light, movement, and food.


As soon as you wake up, you want to get some bright light. Currently, the sun comes up at about 5:30 am where I am, so this is easy. But in the winter months, the sun sometimes isn’t up until 7:30 am, and I know in some parts of the world, like my hometown of Calgary, the sun doesn’t come up until 9 am or later.

If the sun is up, get outside or at a very minimum open your curtains and sit near the window.



Ashley Richmond
In Fitness And In Health

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