3 Effective Ways to Break Out of a Fitness Rut

It happens to each of us, even the best ones

In Fitness And In Health


Woman in white tank top and black shorts sitting on black mat
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

We’ve all been there before.

You’re progressing on your fitness and being more productive than ever — then suddenly, you’ve hit a wall. You don’t feel like doing it anymore and no matter how much you try, you just can’t seem to get out of this slump.

Workouts that were once easy and enjoyable, now seem like the most difficult task of the day. If anything, you’re less motivated than ever to get back into your workout routine.

This happened to me.

Work pressures, stress, and social commitments eventually came into my workout routine and I fell into a fitness rut. Workouts felt pointless and were no longer exciting, so it became easier to put them off till the next day.

That is, until getting back on track started becoming a struggle. The following are some of the ways that I used to break out of the fitness rut that I was in and to regain my fitness motivation and excitement.

1. Start Small & Easy

When you’re in a fitness rut, it’s a struggle to get yourself back on track. This makes it even more important to take things slowly.

