3 Facts About Fat Melting From Your Body — That You Probably Didn’t Know
Have you ever wondered how fat leaves your body after you suddenly start losing weight?
Do you think it is excreted by your urine or maybe your sweat? What happens when the fat begins disappearing? How does that affect your body and health? Let’s delve a little deeper into what happens.
Fact One: Most fat is excreted from your body via respiration as carbon dioxide.
You breathe out the fat, and you don’t sweat it out!
Fat doesn’t convert to muscle, just in case you thought it might. If you want to grow muscle mass while losing weight?
You need to eat a specific amount of calories daily from a balance of carbs, fat and protein.
If you do this, you will not sacrifice that precious muscle mass.
As you know, we need muscle mass to increase our resting metabolic rate.
When we have a certain amount of muscle mass, we burn calories while sitting in our chairs or doing nothing!
But that’s no reason to get lazy.
Our resting metabolic rate is one thing, but our total…