3 Health Books Worth Reading Twice

And why re-reading matters

In Fitness And In Health
4 min readJan 5, 2021


This year brought the world to its knees. We took comfort in food deliveries, Zoom calls, loungewear, and…old books.

I didn’t understand how people wasted time rereading old books. There are millions of new material waiting to get noticed. Why waste hours on a book you’ve read before?

Because familiarity brings comfort. Old books feel like old shoes.

Because great books age like fine wine. No matter how old they get, their lessons remain. Sometimes we have to reach a certain age to finally understand them.

Or we just love the book.

When you read a good book through the second time, you don’t see something you didn’t see before, you see something in yourself that wasn’t there before. -Bob Proctor

While the entire planet was ravaged by a deadly virus, health industries churned articles and videos on how we can best take care of our health and boost our immunity.

While the world turned to the news and vlogs, these books became worth reading again.

Veganist by Kathy Freston

This is a great book to start with if you are interested in leaning into a plant-based diet. There are loads of information here — medical information, interviews, stories of recoveries, and researches — so read it slowly.

Get the book here.

Photo by Alexandra Andersson on Unsplash

How Not To Die by Dr. Michael Greger

This is the book for those who want to know more about what kills us — cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, and how to prevent these diseases from doing just that.

It’s 550+ pages packed with life-changing information. If you aren’t a reader, check Dr. Greger’s videos here.

Dr. Greger developed an app called The Daily Dozen and will remind you to add nuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, oats, herbs, and vitamin B12 into your daily diet.

Here’s a fact — plant foods contain 64x more antioxidants than animal foods.

Get the book here. Download the Daily Dozen app for Android here, for iOs here.

The Kind Life by Alicia Silverstone

Like Veganist, this book is great for those who are considering moving towards a plant-based diet. Silverstone calls this ‘flirting’.

There are chapters dedicated to the environmental impact of our food choices, caring for animals, and plant-based recipes.

It’s also a story of how a celebrity uses her voice to advocate for animal rights and demand accountability from consumers.

When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need. -Ancient Ayurvedic Proverb

Get the book here.

Ryan Holiday is a big fan of re-reading books. He believes that the more you engage with a material, the more you will come away with it. He’s read Seneca over 100 times.

Books have codes to be cracked. When you’re 20, they’re invisible to you. When you’re 35, they become clear as daylight.

When you re-read, you see words, characters, and stories differently. Our accumulated experiences as adults help define these. When you re-read, it feels like meeting friends from the past. You wonder how they’ve been. You spend some time with them just like the good old days.

Go ahead and open the pages of your favorite book. I promise it’s not a waste of time.

Remember Heraclitus’ words: You don’t cross the same river twice.

What’s YOUR favorite reread?

Odyssa writes, practices Ashtanga yoga, and works remotely. Subscribe to her monthly letters here.

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