3 Incredibly Effective Techniques For Long-Term Weight Loss

Lessons from losing 250lbs without counting calories.

Paul Dermody
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Boxed Water Is Better on Unsplash

Last week, I recorded a podcast with a client who has lost 250lbs. You can listen to it here. It’s a remarkable story. You’ll notice how little we talk about food or calories and more how we talk about life.

Most diets make people more neurotic and perfectionistic, leaving them more disconnected.

Weight loss is 10% information and 1,000,0000% perspective and behaviours. It’s true because I said it authoritatively on the Internet.

Most diet information is a dumpster fire. And I have a theory. If I put a gun to your head, you could create a decent “diet”. But what then?

Dieting kinda’ sucks. Kinda’ really sucks.

So, is there a way to enjoy restraint? You tell me. I’ll present the following ideas, and you can rate me on a scale from useful to GTF out of here. Deal?

If/Then Planning

OK, OK… you’ve heard it all before. Protein. Calories. Exercise. Blah Blah Blah. As redundant as telling a smoker about black lungs.

Information is no longer the deficit in society.

