3 Reasons Why Flexible Dieting May Be Your Last Diet

Egis R.
In Fitness And In Health
5 min readJul 23, 2021


Hey there, here’s an intriguing thought to chew on — you can lose weight by eating some of the things you like. It’s called flexible dieting and it gives you choice in how, when and what you can eat.

It may free you from the shackles of rigid dieting. You might no longer need to put butter in a goddamn coffee just because some “holistic nutritionist” on the internet told you.

Here are three reasons why flexible dieting can be a game-changer for you:

1. Flexible dieting allows you to enjoy foods you like with little restriction

Think about any diet and it will be based on restriction.

Some diets tell you to starve yourself as thin as a rail with 700 calories. Others want you to eliminate all carbohydrates. And sometimes it’s about traveling back in time to the Paleolithic period where gluten wasn’t a thing.

Most diets have idiotic restrictions about foods you can and cannot eat.

But what happens when you’re overly restrictive with your food choices? Well, research has consistently shown that the more you place a particular food on a list of no-nos, the more you crave it:



Egis R.
In Fitness And In Health

I’m Egis, an online weight loss coach who has heightened BS sensors for fitness & nutrition. Only evidence-based & sustainable fat loss. www.absscience.com