3 Subtle Exercises That Can Realign Your Back

Do this before booking your chiropractic appointment! You may not need it after all…

David Liira, Kin.
In Fitness And In Health


Image from Karolina Grabowska on Pexels

Back pain is one of the most mysterious phenomenon out there. While you may think that the most expensive, high-tech approach to rehab is the best (surgery, chiropractic care, etc…), this isn’t always the case. Sometimes it’s the subtlest of movements that’ll give your back the healing and restoration it needs to return to living pain-free.

For those looking for sustainable pain relief, physical therapy is your best friend.

As a kinesiologist who has spent years working at wellness clinics, I’ve seen patients walk in and out of the door with varying levels of success and satisfaction. The ones who respond the best (and stop coming the soonest) are typically those who take physical activity seriously. They take hold of what they can control and focus on building independence through the simple act of movement.

To help you find similar success and save precious time and money, I want to introduce 3 movements that look trivial from the outside but can do wonders for your hurt, neglected tissues. These target the lower back in particular and can give you instant relief from the life-related soreness that we all know too well. Regardless of your age or…



David Liira, Kin.
In Fitness And In Health

Kinesiologist. Writing on health and the human condition. Clap and I clap back. https://www.davidliirakin.com