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3 Things To Kickstart Your Morning

Rafay Zeeshan
In Fitness And In Health
3 min readAug 15, 2020


We all know getting up in the morning is the hardest thing to do. Leaving that comfortable bed is just too difficult. Every night, we go to bed thinking we’ll get up early and attack the day. In the morning, however, we realize just how good sleeping in feels. If you’re like me you love how the bed feels in the morning. That said, there’s nothing better than getting up and starting your day off the right way. Over the last few weeks, I’ve implemented 3 things that helped me get up in the morning. Now, these are just things that work for me, they might not be for you but I encourage you to try them.

Waking up and getting stuff done is probably best encapsulated by Evan Carmichael

“Wake up early and tackle the day, before it tackles you. Be on offense, not a defense.”

1) Drink A Large Glass Of Water

This is something that I’ve been doing for almost a year now, and trust me it makes a considerable difference. Having a large glass of water first thing in the morning boosts your energy. It wakes you up and hydrates you after a long night’s sleep. Now you might think a glass of water won’t give you energy instantly and you’re right, it won’t. Over time of consistently doing this though will get you up to speed. You could add a lemon or an orange to taste. It’s up to you.

2) Stretch

Over the last week, I’ve started stretching once I’m awake. The last 7 days have shown me how much of an impact stretching has on my mood. Gone are the days of waking up stiff and grumpy. Stretching will help you breathe as well as open up your body. You could call this a form of meditation as it helps you calm down. I use this time planning my day as well. During this time I’m usually thinking of how my day will look like, and envisioning your day helps you get things done. Now, this doesn’t have to be an arduous stretching routine. Around 10 minutes is more than enough. I usually put a timer to help me keep my routine focused and short. Next time you wake up, try a few simple stretches, It’ll help.

3) Take A Cold Shower

Now I know, this is probably the worst thing you could think of doing in the morning. Trust me, it is as bad as it sounds. Let’s not make cold showers glamorous, they’re not. But there is a positive, they WAKE YOU UP. I mean cold showers are going get you up to speed more than any other thing in the morning. It’s good for you too, it gets your heart pumping and blood flowing and also makes you alert. I tend to make these cold showers as quickly as possible, I’m not in there for more than 2 minutes. The hardest part is that initial contact with the cold water, once you’re in there it isn’t as bad but it’s not pleasant either I’ll be honest.

These are just 3 things that I do every morning to get me started. I know if I don’t do them I’ll just spend the day being lazy. I encourage you to try these 3 things. Initially, the showers and the stretching will feel like a burden, but over time you’ll get used to them.

