4 Reasons Practicing a Non-Toxic Lifestyle is the Better Choice

Ditch the chemicals, and you’ll be healthier

Angie Mohn
In Fitness And In Health
6 min readOct 16, 2020


“Health is not about the weight you lose, but about the life you gain” — Dr. Josh Axe

Toxins are everywhere. They can be found in the foods we eat, the products to clean our homes, and the scents we spray on our skin.

Most countries have successfully banned a majority of toxins for use in home and personal care products.

Yet even while we are in one of the most informed times in history, the United States has not followed suit. In fact, we seem to be adding more chemicals instead of subtracting.

To support this fact, journalist Oliver Milmann wrote the following:

“The clout of powerful industry interests, combined with a regulatory system that demands a high level of proof of harm before any action is taken, has led to the American public being routinely exposed to chemicals that have been rubbed out of the lives of people in countries such as the UK, Germany, and France.

“Many Americans are unaware that they are absorbing untested and unsafe chemicals in their products,” said Alex Bergstein, a state senator who put forward the Connecticut legislation. Bergstein was previously the chair of the Mount Sinai Children’s Environmental health center”.

Many common everyday products are riddled with harmful chemicals, and we use them completely unaware of the consequences to our health.

Did you know:

  • The chemical ingredients that make up a ‘fragrance’ is protected as a “trade secret”, and does not legally have to be disclosed? (what are they hiding?)
  • Talc is considered a part of the asbestos family and is both dangerous to inhale and linked to different cancers.
  • Synthetic colors and dyes are a mixture of many chemicals, which can affect not only our skin (when applied topically) but our internal organs as well (think of when you read ‘red dye #’ on a food label).
  • Mineral oil is a commonly used ingredient that coats the skin like a plastic-wrap and can cause multiple skin issues.
  • The average woman applies over 300 chemicals a day to her body in the form of soaps, makeup, hair products, and lotions. 80% of that is applied as part of a morning routine.

This article will explain four reasons why practicing a non-toxic lifestyle is a better choice.

What is considered a “Non-Toxic” Lifestyle?

“A journey of a thousand miles beings with a single step” — Confucius

If you want to live a healthy, non-toxic lifestyle, then you must take action. You must take the first step. Living a non-toxic lifestyle is a journey, not a destination.

You must decide to be your own advocate. You must want to do better for your own health and wellness.

You can take action by switching out chemical-based products, and start transitioning to a non-toxic lifestyle. Start small and take actionable baby steps.

What is considered a ‘non-toxic lifestyle’?

It’s about the daily decisions you make that impact how you live and feel. It’s not a passing fad. Non-toxic living is a choice.

You can choose to either live healthier and feel vibrant, or you can choose to continue to feel ill and unwell. Either lifestyle is a free choice.

Non-toxic living is a lifestyle that opts for personal care & household products with no harmful chemicals; it’s making more conscious health-care decisions; it’s appropriately detoxing (whether of food or people); it’s reducing exposure to electromagnetic radiation (limiting the use of cell phones and other electronic devices).

Where can you start? How about starting with food. Stop eating CRAP food!

  1. Carbonated drinks
  2. Refined sugars
  3. Artificial foods
  4. Processed foods

A non-toxic lifestyle is more than just simply eating clean or organic foods. Yes, those are important. Cutting out foods that cause the body to become sluggish and unhealthy is a great first step in the right direction.

But it’s also about switching out old, bad habits and negative mindsets, and replacing them with healthier decisions. Changing a negative mindset is part of the non-toxic lifestyle.

You can’t have a negative mind, and expect to achieve positive results! You can’t switch to a non-toxic lifestyle and keep negative and toxic thoughts. The mind has to transform as well.

4 Reasons to Switch

“Everytime you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past, or a pioneer of the future” — Deepak Chopra

Here are four reasons to switch to a non-toxic lifestyle:

  1. Healthier Life — your energy will increase; dis-ease of body, spirit, and mind will be significantly reduced; You can better equip your immune system, and recover quicker from things like colds or flu.
  2. Fewer Side Effects — chemical-free and natural products have little to no side effects. Your skin will most likely clear up and heal.
  3. Cleansing & Detoxing — This can be from both products and people. Get rid of the products that are hurting your body. Shed your life of people who do more harm than good, and cause mental anguish.
  4. Balanced & Happiness — when we eliminate harmful toxins from life, we are much happier, positive, and vibrant. Success is better achieved when the body, mind, and spirit are balanced and happy.

The secret to successfully transition to a non-toxic lifestyle is choosing what really makes a difference in your life. You’ll spend time and money on the items that positively impact your health, instead of wasting time and money on the items which make little to no difference in your overall well-being.

After Thoughts

“Our bodies are our gardens. Our wills are our gardeners” — William Shakespeare

A non-toxic lifestyle is about the daily decisions made that impact how you live and feel. Non-toxic living is a choice.

Start small in the transition you make. Begin to notice the changes taking place as you switch to natural products. Notice how you feel, think, and act.

Living a non-toxic lifestyle takes time, consideration, and proper planning.

You can’t have a negative mind, and expect to achieve positive results!

The four reasons to switch to a non-toxic lifestyle include: having a healthier life, experiencing fewer side effects, cleansing and detoxing your body, mind, and spirit, and being both balanced and happy.

A non-toxic lifestyle is not only good for you, but it’s also good for the environment.

It’s important for your health to live a cleaner, non-toxic lifestyle. But it’s also important to reduce stress in your life. Stressing out about living a non-toxic lifestyle isn’t healthy at all (it’s actually counterproductive).

When we know better, we do better!

DISCLAIMER: This article is written for educational purposes ONLY and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or medical care. My intentions are not to substitute the advice given by a licensed healthcare professional. Please consult a healthcare professional before making any major health-related decisions.

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Angie Mohn
In Fitness And In Health

🦸‍♀️️Registered Nurse whose passion is to teach and write about fitness and weight training, nutrition and food, and the journey to becoming migraine-free.