4 Reasons Why You Should Sleep in a Cold Room

A warm room may feel cozy, but may not be ideal for sleep

Jamie Logie
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

That super warm and cozy room with the heat cranked up is so enticing when it’s time to go to bed. However, this may not be the ideal environment.

This will be a quick look at why it may be better to keep your room on the cooler side if you want to get the best sleep possible, and some of the health benefits that may come from this.

Why is a Cool Room Better?

A warm room may make you drowsy but doesn’t look to be the best to get that deep, restorative sleep we desperately need. The heat may make you fall asleep faster — but makes it tougher to stay asleep.

A 2012 research paper from the Journal of Physical Anthropology states that heat increases wakefulness and decreases slow wave sleep and rapid eye movement.

We all know the issues that come from a lack of sleep, and disrupted sleep from an overly warm room, can play havoc with the rest of your day.

One of the big issues with an overly warm room has to do with melatonin. Melatonin is the hormone you secrete that can help with sleep. It’s secreted by your…



Jamie Logie
In Fitness And In Health

Some health, a little marketing, and a lot of 1980s content