4 Safe and Effective Workouts for Women with Hypothyroidism

A regular exercise routine helps manage the symptoms.

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
In Fitness And In Health


Managing your normal routine can be challenging when you have hypothyroidism, particularly with all the aches, pains and other symptoms, not to mention the sense of fatigue. Sticking to an exercise or fitness routine can seem impossible.

However, it is important to stay active to maintain a healthy weight and manage the symptoms. The good news? With the right exercise you can not only fight hypothyroidism but also build your core strength. The additional benefits are better sleep and a sense of well-being.

About the thyroid gland

The thyroid gland releases two hormones — T3 and T4 — which regulate metabolism and convert the food you eat into energy. They also regulate body temperature and heart rate.

If you have insufficient T3 and T4, you tend to feel exhausted and gain weight. You also experience body ache and hair loss. Your digestive system becomes upset and your body temperature is not regulated. On top of all this, you feel a sense of irritability.

What can you do? Synthetic thyroid hormones can resolve some of the symptoms but this is not enough. For long-term health, lifestyle changes are necessary, especially a regular exercise routine.

Why Is Exercise Important For Women with Hypothyroidism?

Exercise is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. It helps combat stress, promotes better sleep and overall wellness. For women with hypothyroidism, the right exercise routine is important. It helps maintain healthy weight and strengthens the muscles. As a result, the metabolism improves, keeping the heart healthy, which is crucial for thyroid health.

What to Remember before You Begin Your Exercise Routine

  • If swimming works for you, do avoid chlorinated pools. Pick salt-water pools instead. If you live close to the sea, that’s perfect.
  • Avoid endurance training as it can worsen your condition, leading to muscle and joint pain.
  • If you are thinking of approaching a trainer, pick one who is compassionate and understands your limitations, while encouraging you.
  • Only opt for low-impact exercise that makes you feel comfortable.

Before you get started, do consult your doctor for specific advice based on your unique health status.

4 Effective Workouts for Women with Hypothyroidism

If your thyroid is under control, your exercise options are similar to those of a healthy person. But if you are under treatment for managing the symptoms and are looking for a safe exercise plan, it is better to choose something that is not too strenuous that also helps with strength training. Since hypothyroidism causes joint and muscle pain, avoid intense workouts that can do more harm than good.

The following workout suggestions are easy, non-intimidating, and doable at any time. Pick what feels most comfortable and enjoyable to you.

Here are four workouts that are safe and effective for women with hypothyroidism.

1. Walking/Swimming/Cycling

One of the best workouts for women with hypothyroidism is walking. You can do this at any time of the day and it requires little more than a pair of comfortable shoes. If you can make time for a walk in the morning, not only will your day get off to a good start, but you will also get the added bonus of your daily dose of vitamin D. Sunshine before 11.00 a.m. promotes the production of melatonin which helps you sleep better.

In case your joint pains happen to be intense, you can try walking on a treadmill or in the swimming pool, if possible. Walking in water reduces the impact or strain on your joints. Having an exercise or walking buddy can keep you motivated to stick to your exercise routine and help you stay on track, making it more fun! Prefer cycling or swimming? Go for it!

2. Yoga

Yoga is the prefect workout for women with hypothyroidism as it helps overcome the response to stress, thanks to the regulated breathing techniques. This ancient practice helps you stay physically fit and mentally healthy. Join a yoga class if you are a beginner. You’ll need to wear comfortable clothing and carry a yoga mat. Restorative yoga triggers muscular activity blended with mental focus, creating self-awareness, an awareness of your breath and your energy.

Yoga also promotes calm and reduces anxiety, naturally leading to a better mood. When you practice yoga, it activates the relaxation response, thereby nurturing thyroid health. But do avoid hot yoga and any other strenuous exercise that raises your body heat.

3. Strength Training

Strength training is an important part of a healthy workout. But for women with hypothyroidism, nothing too intense; just do some gentle weight lifting or use your own body weight to strengthen your muscles. This helps with weight loss even when you are not working out, besides reducing joint pains.

Opt for hand weights or resistance bands. Resistance training tones the body and keeps it fit and firm. Begin with one-kilogram dumb bells and gradually increase this, based on your comfort. If you don’t have dumb bells, just fill two 500 ml bottles of water and use one in each hand, to start with.

4. Tai Chi

Tai chi or moving meditation involves gentle movements that not only improve strength, balance and mood, but keep you calm and stress-free. See if you can find a class nearby and enroll yourself.

A bonus side-effect of working out is improved self-confidence. Feeling good about yourself helps a great deal.



Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
In Fitness And In Health

Writer. All genres. Poet. Artist. Diabetes Warrior. Traveler. Photographer. Wears son's oversized tshirts. Creates own sunshine. Flawsome. https://vidyasury.com