4 Unhelpful Thoughts That Keep You From Living a Healthy Life

The yo-yo effect of restrictive diets and how to escape it.

Cosmin Angheluta
In Fitness And In Health


I’ve been dieting for my entire life. But whenever I stopped, my weight went back again to where I began.

When I was a child, my parents told me to eat less because I was heavy. And later, when I recognized my overweight, I started to diet to improve it. But every diet I tried worked only for a little, and I never really remained in shape for more than a year.

Nowadays, everybody talks surprisingly well about restrictive diets because they make you lose significant weight in just a few days. But nobody talks about what happens later when we turn back to our old eating habits, and our body responds accordingly.

Unfortunately, restrictive diets bind you to a vicious cycle of four thoughts that keep you from living a healthy life. And to spot the problems in your diet, you should analyze those thoughts first.

The Vicious Cycle of Restrictive Diets

The vicious cycle of restrictive diets comprises four main thoughts:

  • I need to get back in shape.
  • I am losing weight, I can take a little prize.
  • I can eat whatever I want…



Cosmin Angheluta
In Fitness And In Health

I build weekly challenges, ideas, Notion templates, and tracking infographics to become the best version of yourself @ cosmopolitanmindset.substack.com