4 Ways On How I Find My Balance To Self-Care From Self-Sabotage

What happened when I slept 16 hours every day for 60 days

Yan Huang
In Fitness And In Health


During the height of the first wave of the pandemic, like many countries all over the world, Singapore went into a lockdown (although we call it a Circuit-Breaker). This lasted for 8 weeks.

It was a major flip of lifestyle for many of us, I wasn’t sparred too. I found myself waning in energy, motivation, and sense of purpose. This was probably spurred by the stress of a long-distance relationship 10,000 miles away.

Like any self-care practitioner, I was careful not to get into a burnt-out; and I started disabling and deleting social media apps to reduce any unnecessary and subtle stress that comes with it, ranging from an overload of information to the comparison trap.

I was also subconsciously afraid of putting on stress-weight or pandemic-weight with staying at home so much. And so I started sleeping my way through the ongoing pandemic, aiming to reduce any cortisol overdrive.

Like a Tour de France professional cyclist clocking more than 2,200 miles in 23 days, I started sleeping 16 hours a day for the next 60 days.

I thought much sleep would help me gain some clarity and purpose and helped the time to pass by…



Yan Huang
In Fitness And In Health

Building connections one word at a time. | Bylines in few start-ups | Cancer survivor at 23 | More stories at http://yuyanhuang.substack.com