Dedication | Health | Motivation

5 Beliefs in The “No Excuse” Mindset

While you’re breathing, give it all you’ve got.

D.A. Rutherford
In Fitness And In Health
4 min readNov 15, 2022


Photo by ShotPot from Pexels

The Marvels

Among the hoards of complainers and quitters, there exists a special breed of individual. They are as rare as a spring in the desert. Finding them is difficult, but recognizing them is easy. And once you’ve known one, life takes on a whole new meaning.

There’s something extraordinary about people who don’t make excuses. Perhaps because so many of us do. We make them to our friends and our family. To our bosses and to strangers. All of the while resting more and more weight on the proverbial crutch of blame-shifting. The once uncomfortable soon becomes second nature, and the slippery slope of denial begins to take shape.

Before long, nothing is your fault. Such a mindset is among the most dangerous life has to offer. Not only does it falsely absolve you of any responsibility for your actions, but it also deludes you into a state of unconditional selfishness. Once there, it can become next to impossible to choose improvement.

And the opposite of improvement isn’t stagnation. It’s decline.

Yet, there are people who don’t rely on excuses. They take the hits as they come, and own

