5 CrossFit Ab Exercises For A Stronger Core

Philip James
In Fitness And In Health
3 min readOct 3, 2021


Photo Credit: Burst Royalty Free Photos

I’m convinced that one of the main drivers of the popularity of Crossfit is the images of the athletes looking shredded and having jacked up muscles. Of course, sunlight, angles, and tension during muscle lifts don’t hurt either. Regardless, these photos are possible because the athletes themselves have very low body fat from all of their training and proper fat loss nutrition. I often feel that the value of core training gets diminished. When you’re moving heavy weights fast like these athletes are doing, you need coordination and stability in your core, or else there will be a “leak” in the system and you’ll be less efficient and at a greater risk of injury.

These are my five favorite CrossFit ab exercises to build a stronger core so any individual, athlete or not, can have a stronger core and nicer set of abs.

Learning How To Engage Your Abs

I know this isn’t an exercise per say but there are a lot of movements during a training session where the opportunity is present to specifically engage your core and use it during your lift.

Take a typical chin up or pull up. Almost no one focuses on their hip and core area during the reps. If you preset yourself before you begin the movement, fire your glutes and hamstrings, and engage your core you’ll see increased ab strength…

