5 Easy Tricks That Can Boost Your Mood

Feeling down? Here are 5 things you can do right now to feel happier.

Alyssa Castellanos, MA, Ma.Ed.
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Daniel Xavier from Pexels

Most of us have been told that practicing gratitude can make us happier. The act of acknowledging and expressing appreciation for what we have in our lives is supposed to make us feel good. If this is the case, then we should wake up happy every day with gratitude and happiness, right? What if some days we wake up in the morning and don’t feel much at all?

Happiness is the absence of suffering. I think it’s an interesting way of looking at it. I think the absence of suffering exists very rarely in the world we live in.”

-Julie Christie

Suffering is a dramatic description of how someone deals with hardships or distress in life. Now, we might not be suffering in a way that needs to be handled professionally, but most of us can relate to the sadness of neglecting our personal needs.

Some days we want to stay in bed and avoid the craziness of the world. It is a challenge to put our best face forward when we are hitting an emotional slump. It feels like we are dragging our feet through mud. Life can be a struggle.

There are some simple tricks you can implement to help overcome your gloom. They may not overhaul your negative emotions…



Alyssa Castellanos, MA, Ma.Ed.
In Fitness And In Health

⭐️ A tangled knot of creative introversion & information. I write about how you can make simple decisions in a chaotic world for a happy & comfortable life. ⭐️