5 False Beliefs About Exercise That Sabotage Your Results — and Self-Worth

Fitness and happiness begin in the mind.

Corrie Alexander
In Fitness And In Health


When it comes to fitness, mindset is absolutely everything. You can have the best personal trainer in the world guiding you through the most scientifically effective training program on the planet, and still fail because you’re not in the right headspace.

The problem is, most people don’t even realize they have a problem with their mindset when it comes to exercise. I certainly had no clue that certain beliefs were holding me back five years ago when I had over 20 pounds to lose.

I’m not talking about common training myths like “you need to stretch before a workout”, or “lifting heavy will make you bulky”.

I’m referring to certain, fundamental beliefs that damage not only your relationship with exercise but your relationship with yourself.

If you can’t get a fitness routine to stick and feel frustrated with yourself, I’d wager it’s because you’re holding onto at least one of these beliefs — even if it’s only on a subconscious level.

Belief #1: Exercise is a Means to an End

Many people set a goal to “get in shape” because they don’t like how they look and treat it like a…

