5 Fantastic Exercises To Bulletproof Your Hips

Absolutely no equipment required!

David Liira, Kin.
In Fitness And In Health


Due to the dynamic load that the hips have to deal with every day, there is a lot that can go wrong if we forgo training them. As a kinesiologist, I frequently see clients coming in to fix lateral and anterior hip pain. Whether you’re a committed athlete or the average joe, you’ve likely run into hip complications at one point or another. Fortunately, this area is one of the easiest to strengthen, even without access to a gym. As long as you have some floor space and 10 minutes, you’re good to go!

Today we’ll walk through 5 distinct movements to build strength and stability at the hips. I’ve intentionally picked these exercises to challenge your capabilities in multiple ranges of motion and planes of movement. Whether you’re an advanced lifter or a physiotherapy patient, these movements can help you in your journey!

5 Movements + 10 Minutes = Robust Hips

As always, if you have a history of complications at the hip or lower body, please check in with your health professional before starting these movements. These exercises span across an easy to moderate intensity, so it may be necessary to pick and choose the ones that fit your needs. From an injury prevention standpoint, it will be ideal to perform every…



David Liira, Kin.
In Fitness And In Health

Kinesiologist. Writing on health and the human condition. Clap and I clap back. https://www.davidliirakin.com