Developing resilience is the key to building any skill.

5 Habits Proven to Build Mental Toughness

“It is the power of the mind to be unconquerable.” — Seneca

Chris Wojcik
In Fitness And In Health
7 min readFeb 3, 2021


Photo by dylan nolte on Unsplash

In competition, mental toughness is what separates the good from the great.

Psychologist Angela Duckworth calls it “grit”, but it goes by other names like drive, perseverance, or hustle. There’s a lot of research on the benefits of grit, but there’s much debate as to the best way to build this trait in yourself.

One thing is for sure: whether it’s sports, life, or business, your mental state is one of the most important factors in determining success.

My competition anxiety for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu matches is the biggest obstacle that I face when I step on the mat. Over the course of hundreds of matches I’ve had in my career, I’ve never felt not anxious.

As a result of that anxiety, however, I have tested countless practices to make my nerves more manageable.

I’ve become obsessed with finding habits that decrease the anxiety that I feel when I’m trying to pursue my goals. I’m in a position where I have to train my mind. If I don’t, my performance suffers. It’s as simple as that.

