5 Reasons To Train Full-Body Everyday

#3. High-quality training volume

Ankit Das
In Fitness And In Health


Split-training is one the most common ways to set up a training routine where you split your training in such a way that you train a particular muscle or muscle group each day.

While split-training can be set in a way to produce very good results, often, the full-body routine is forgotten because many people think that they can’t achieve great results from it.

By no means I am saying that split training is wrong, split-training is beneficial too, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t achieve great results with full-body training, and after reading this article, you would agree with me too. With that said, let’s get to business.

Training volume

Photo by Danielle Cerullo on Unsplash

To keep it simple, training volume refers to the amount of work you do, and the most useful parameter to determine the training volume is the number of sets you perform per muscle group.

What’s the big deal with sets?

Well, beginners can make optimal gains with just 9–10 sets per muscle group a week, but as you get more advanced, you need…



Ankit Das
In Fitness And In Health

An engineer, a consistent learner, and full of enthusiasm. Writes about self-improvement, fitness, and sometimes money.