5 Ways To Keep Long And Healthy Telomeres

Practical tips for healthy telomeres.

Derek John
In Fitness And In Health


healthy telomeres
Image from Canva

Telomeres are the endcaps of human chromosomes that protect the ends of DNA strands from shortening and fraying.

Science shows telomeres play a vital role in the aging process, so the premature shortening of your telomeres is something you want to prevent — short telomeres are associated with many aging diseases.

So how can you lengthen or maintain healthy telomeres?

Well, there is this enzyme called telomerase that can slow, stop, or potentially reverse telomere shortening as we age.

The thing is, you can’t take a telomerase supplement. Yet.

But you could do telomerase gene therapy with BioViva, a biotech company dedicated to reversing aging.

That’ll be over $100,000, please.

While we wait for time, science, and demand to drive down the price for gene therapy to something more affordable, here are some things you can do to keep your telomeres healthy.

Eat your fiber.

A study published in 2018 looked at fiber intake and telomere length in over 5,000 U.S. adults.

Researchers found there was a significant linear relationship between fiber consumption…



Derek John
In Fitness And In Health

Sharing short suspense stories. | Crafting my first suspense thriller. | Technical writer by day, fiction writer by night.