500 Calorie Lunch

Really, that’s all I should eat?

Danita Hall
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis on Unsplash

It was New Year’s Eve when I read the dreadful article that stated that an average American should consume around 500 calories a day for lunch. WHAT? I immediately quit reading because I thought that kind of negativity shouldn’t be allowed in my life that close to a New Year. Do people really only eat 500 calories for lunch?

Now here’s the thing, I know your calorie intake is based off of your personal nutritional and dietary needs and everyone is different but 500 calories seems to me like you just have 4.5 carrots daily while staring at your computer screen replying to e-mails. My lunch break is like my “Haven” and I can’t wait until my 30 minute time interval daily to race away from the office in my car and hit up any local drive thru, order any number value meal, and scarf it down before I return back to my parking place at the office.

Despite my negative thoughts about it, I figured “Hey, why not just try it?”. My traditional lunch meal included a Crispy Chicken Sandwich, French Fries and a Sweet Tea from McDonald’s, but who knew that meal was 910 calories. NINE HUNDRED AND TEN CALORIES. Okay, So just pick a healthier option. Subway 6 inch chicken and ranch melt is 610 calories. SIX HUNDRED AND TEN CALORIES. So this challenge to only consume 500 calories was going to be difficult and require a lot of…



Danita Hall
In Fitness And In Health

#sosheblogs Danita Hall is a human by day and a Humor, Parenting, Lifestyle, HR, Ranting Blogger by night.