5x5 Training: The Most Effective Muscle Building Technique?

The game-changer you’re looking for

Scott Mayer
In Fitness And In Health


Credit: Sam Sabourin on Unsplash

Every fitness enthusiast is in pursuit of a goal.

Some of us want to run faster or jump higher. Others want to lose weight and get healthier. For those of us who want to add muscle and strength, let me introduce you to your new best friend:

5x5 training.

Popularized in the 1960s by Reg Park (the bodybuilding idol of Arnold Schwarzenegger), the concept is rather simple. For a given exercise, perform 5 working sets of 5 repetitions. 5x5.

Proper execution is not quite as cut and dry.

5x5 training is intense. Workout pacing, recovery, and nutrition must be dialed in to achieve maximum results and avoid injury. But if done right, the results can be astounding.

While not a training protocol for beginners, the 5x5 method is grounded in sound muscle-building principles, useful for trainees at all fitness levels.

Let’s take a look.

The preparation phase

A proper warmup is key to maximizing performance and minimizing injury risk. Warmups raise body temperature and increase blood flow, priming your cardiovascular system and muscles for use.

