6 Bad Habits That Keep You Unfit

And 6 Good Ones to Replace Them with

Trevor Huffman
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Sushil Ghimire on Unsplash

The information in this fitness article is intended solely for educational purposes and cannot substitute for professional medical advice.

If you’re out of shape, you can’t do a 100-mile run, a 500-pound deadlift, or eat a piece of broccoli today to be the athlete you’ve always wanted to be.

Getting out of shape can take years of lousy habits, just like getting in shape can take years of developing healthy habits.

If there’s anything 13 years of pro sports taught me, unintentional bad habits usually hurt us more than our intentional good habits help us.

These six habits stop us from achieving better fitness and (mental) health levels.

1. You do this one habit and lose fitness momentum

You talk to yourself like you’re a loser.

Wait, what? Is that even a bad habit?

Hell, yes, it is!

Let me explain.

As a pro athlete, I constantly had to watch my negative thoughts because being in a negative mind state killed my growth, progress, happiness, and performance. Try always to control what you can’t, and you’ll get poor outcomes. Stay stuck in…



Trevor Huffman
In Fitness And In Health

Hi. I'm Trevor. I write about egoless living relative to sports, business, leadership, and fitness. Subscribe today.