Natural Remedies

6 Best Natural Remedies For A Sore Throat

Try out these easy home remedies for sore throat.

Sara William
In Fitness And In Health


Everybody occasionally deals with throat irritation and pain. This discomfort in your throat is called a sore throat. It can be challenging to speak and swallow with a sore throat. Even getting a comfy, good night’s sleep might be difficult.

A sore throat can range in severity from mild, with symptoms lasting one or two days, to severe, with prolonged irritation, pain, and discomfort. In severe conditions, you should consult with your health provider as soon as possible and get treated.

However, if you have a mild sore throat, there are several very effective natural remedies you can go for. In this article, we will be dealing with some of the best natural home remedies for sore throat. Come on!

What causes a sore throat?

Before discussing remedies for sore throat, let’s first discuss what causes it. The primary cause of a sore throat is infection.

It may be brought on by viruses, such as those that cause the cold or the flu, group A strep bacterium, which causes strep throat (also called streptococcal pharyngitis). Strep throat is a bacterial infection of the tonsils and throat.

Allergies, smoking, or inhaling secondhand smoke can also cause sore throats. The most frequent of these are viral infections.

Best natural remedies for sore throat

Manuka honey

Photo by Arwin Neil Baichoo on Unsplash

The antibacterial effects of honey are widely recognized and extensively researched. The bees’ floral food source is where honey gets its therapeutic qualities. One such honey, made with the nectar of a Manuka plant, is well known for having several times more antimicrobial activity than the normal ones.

Manuka honey is a dark, monofloral honey with a high phenolic content that is currently gaining popularity due to its unparalleled antibacterial properties. It has been discovered to be beneficial against various infections by researchers. It was observed that the amount of methylglyoxal and total phenols in Manuka honey were responsible for its antibacterial effectiveness.

Manuka honey benefits shall be reaped by either mixing it in tea like lemon Manuka honey tea or taking it as such for getting quick relief from a sore throat. According to research, honey is more efficient than most traditional sore throat treatments, including antibiotics and antihistamines. It’s been proven to be as effective as cough suppressant dextromethorphan.

While choosing Manuka honey, make sure to check the levels of Methylglyoxal (MGO) which is the major antimicrobial element in it. Also, get your Manuka honey from New Zealand only.

Salt water gargling

Photo by Faran Raufi on Unsplash

Salt Water gargling is beneficial to soothe a sore throat. Add some salt to warm water and gargle for 5–10 minutes. Salt water gargling is also believed to destroy pathogens in the throat while reducing inflammation. You can use mineral sea salts, which have plenty of minerals and trace elements. Also, make sure you use a good quality salt that has no microplastics or other water pollutants in it.

Warm bone broth

Photo by Bluebird Provisions on Unsplash

Bone broths aren’t a cure for your throat infection but can be helpful to make the condition better. Conditions like the common cold, often accompanied by throat pain, can only be cured by letting your body fight off the pathogens.

But meanwhile, sipping on some soul-healing bone broth can help you to relieve pain and swelling. Bone broths are often made with several herbs, giving them additional anti-inflammatory effects.

The warmth of the broth can help to soothe the ache and clear sinuses. A sore throat makes it difficult to drink or swallow normal food but gulping down bone broth will help you stay hydrated as well as nourished.


Photo by Surya Prakash on Unsplash

Among other advantages, garlic offers excellent antibacterial and antiviral properties that may help to soothe a sore throat. The therapeutic properties of garlic are due to the higher concentration of sulfur compounds it contains.

Daily consumption of garlic or garlic supplements can prevent and effectively treat upper respiratory tract infections, according to research.

Several researchers have noted the inhibitory action of garlic extract against the bacterial species Lactobacillus acidophilus, Staphylococcus aureus, Nocardia asteroides, pseudomonas aeruginosa, actinomyces viscosus, and veillonella alcaligenes.

It has also been proven efficient against the common cold virus. The broad antibacterial spectrum of garlic and its capacity to influence immunity may be potentially beneficial in treating throat infections.

You can include fresh garlic in your diet as an ingredient in your recipes or just chew and suck on a garlic clove. You can also opt for garlic supplements if you are not a big fan of garlic.

Licorice root

Sore throats have long been treated with licorice root. From licorice, more than 20 triterpenoids and around 300 flavonoids have been identified. Recent research has demonstrated that these metabolites have various functions, including antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory.

A 2019 research also discovered that licorice root tea was the best herbal infusion for preventing the growth of Streptococcus pyogenes. This bacterium causes strep throat.

Research on postoperative sore throats found that licorice, when combined with water to make a gargling solution, is beneficial in reducing symptoms.

That’s all. Which of these home remedies for sore throat have you tried out? How effective was it for you? Comment below and let us know.

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