5 Places You Can Buy Ethical and Sustainable Outdoor Clothing

How you can enjoy the great outdoors whilst protecting it for the future

Rebecca Ramshaw
In Fitness And In Health


When I first got into running and hiking, I developed a bit of a shopping addiction. I was enthusiastic about my new hobby and excited to try new clothing and equipment, so I found myself shopping often and buying cheap. I didn’t want to buy something and find out that it didn’t feel comfy, or that I wasn’t going to stick to it — and I didn’t want to waste my money.

What I found out is that I ended up wasting my money anyway.

Buying cheap not only meant that I had a wardrobe full of clothes that needed clearing out every couple of months, but it also meant that the things I really liked and wore a lot needed replacing often. Often what I was replacing had been so cheaply made that it was beyond repair or re-use, so it ended up in landfill.

As with most things in 2020, I’ve ended up re-evaluating the way I shop for exercise and outdoor clothing this year. Now that I work from home and run and hike more often, I’m finding myself wearing the same pieces over and over again — pieces I know are comfy and do a good job.

So, I decided to do a little research into how we can reduce clothing waste and invest in some pieces…



Rebecca Ramshaw
In Fitness And In Health

I’m a trail runner and hiker living in West Yorkshire, UK. I love to write about running, health and life post-30.