7 Habits That Helped Me Lose 20 Pounds During The Pandemic

I didn’t even break a sweat

Monica Galvan
In Fitness And In Health


Photographer: Artem Beliaikin

Like many, I struggled off and on with my weight throughout my life. It’s something I felt insecure about since middle school. Over the years, my weight has fluctuated up and down as I tried adding a regular physical activity or blending green smoothies, but then struggling in turn with depression, ultimately gaining all the weight back.

Most recently, I finally felt like I was getting my weight loss goal back on track as I signed up for fitness classes at Equinox. But after awhile progress slowed.

Until San Francisco announced the stay-at-home order.

On March 16th, San Francisco announced a “shelter-in-place” order. Everyone was advised to stay at home and only leave for essential needs like food and medication. As I learned how to slow down and adjust to the new routine at home, I found that I actually was more successful than ever at achieving my weight loss goals as I developed these seven habits.

1. I Used Jordan Syatt’s x12 Rule to Decide My Daily Calorie Limit

Even though I just called this a rule, I don’t mean to say you need to stick to this every single day. I try to live by the 80/20 rule. I went into this phase…



Monica Galvan
In Fitness And In Health

Designer + photographer living in San Francisco. I also make videos about design: https://bit.ly/MonicaOnYouTube