7 Hard Lessons I Learned From Working Out (Almost) Every Day for Two Decades

#1 — Wanting to quit never goes away

Anthony Carlton
In Fitness And In Health


Since the first day of second grade, which was also the start of my athletic career, I’ve been in love with movement.

That day I learned how freeing it was to just run around. This was long before I cared about the health benefits of exercise. All I knew back then, and see even clearer today, is that a simple habit can change your life forever.

As I prepare for the Chicago marathon in October (my first one), I look back at how my daily exercise habit has shaped my life. It’s the one constant that’s outlasted relationships, jobs, and plenty of tough times. Without exercise, I might not be here.

It’s a lot more than a habit. It’s a lifestyle choice I can’t live without. Maybe, just maybe, the lessons I’ve learned over the last two decades can inspire you to start or re-start the process of falling in love with exercise.

1. Wanting To Quit Doesn’t Go Away

Every morning I think of ten reasons not to go on a run. Most are lame excuses.

“I don’t feel like it.”

“Skipping just one day is fine.”

“I have important work to do.”

