7 Natural Immunity Boosting Tips For Kids

The end to the era of sanitization is finally here

Aditi K
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash

Today’s modern urban parents feel stuck between parenting choices. Mothers are getting mothered in the virtual world. Well, there’s literally no one to blame for the lockdown time of COVID-19 that our generation witnessed. Because of all the havoc, the art of simple natural living literally took a back seat in the journey of life.

A child’s health has always been an area of concern for every parent. With COVID-19, there has been an explosion of information regarding keeping children safe. The world is again moving towards reality. The reality where kids went to school, made friends, laughed in the cafeteria, and played outdoors during recess. But however hard parents try, kids will always fall sick.

But as parents, we forget that falling ill is part of being a kid. We do not expose the immune system of young kids to as many germs as those of grown-ups. So they fall sick frequently. Some infections are very common in youngsters such as the common cold, seasonal flu, strep throat, gastroenteritis, ear infection, conjunctivitis (pink-eye), and head lice. And therefore we must revise our real-life lessons of hygiene.

Mistakes from the past give us an opportunity to amend our present…



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