7 Reasons to Go For a Morning Walk

#6 something called optic flow

Suzie Glassman
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Arek Adeoye on Unsplash

By this point in our evolutionary history, we all know walking is good for us. Yet, many of us still leave this fundamental component of health up to whatever we manage to squeak in while walking around the house, to and from work (if that’s even happening), or while running errands.

We may think we counteract the amount of time we spend sitting with a 30–60-minute gym session, but our bodies weren’t designed to sit all day and then push as hard as possible for a brief amount of time.

According to a study in Diabetes,

The average non-exercising person may become even more metabolically unfit in the coming years if they sit too much, thereby limiting the normally high volume of intermittent non-exercise physical activity in everyday life.

Non-exercising physical activity refers to any activity that is more than rest but less than exercise (think doing chores, walking, fidgeting, gardening, etc.).

Perhaps the easiest way to combat a day filled with staring at a computer screen is simply to tie up your laces first thing in the morning and go for a walk.

