7 Simple Ingredients That Will Make You an Insanely Better Cook

Upgrade your meals today with these healthy, affordable ingredients

Stephanie Thurrott
In Fitness And In Health


Because life’s too short to eat boring food. (Photo by Юлія Дубина on Unsplash)

I can be a lazy cook.

Green beans with a splash of olive oil and salt. Chicken thighs roasted with olive oil and salt. Rice simmered with (you guessed it) olive oil and salt.

But I’ve discovered a few simple, healthy ingredients that boost flavor and take almost no time to add to a dish.

Plus, they’re inexpensive. And they’re either shelf-stable or they last a long time in the refrigerator, so you don’t need to make a special trip to the store — you can keep them on hand.

Lemon or lime juice

“I love fresh citrus and always keep lemons, limes, and oranges on hand; they come in handy for spritzing up quickly grilled meats, seafoods, and vegetables, especially when followed up by a quick drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.” — Emeril Lagasse

You can buy bottled lemon or lime juice. But if you squeeze your own you’ll notice the difference — fresh-squeezed juice adds a bright, clean, fresh flavor.

Take Emeril Lagasse’s advice — squeeze lemon or lime juice over grilled foods. Or top chicken breasts or white fish fillets with slices of lemon or…



Stephanie Thurrott
In Fitness And In Health

I write stories that make our lives better. I learn something with everything I write, and I hope you do too. Get my newsletter: stephaniethurrott.com/medium