7 Small Ways To Live Healthier — Starting Today

All under 5 minutes

Denny Pencheva, MD
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

I have a confession to make:

Health & fitness gurus drive me wild.

Raise your hand if :

  • You only workout in color-coordinated outfits.
  • Your go-to breakfast is an Insta-worthy smoothie bowl.
  • You meal prep 100% of your meals, and your fridge looks like this.

Did you raise your hand? You have my sincere admiration. But, with all due respect, I’m done trying to emulate this lifestyle.

For years, I would look at gurus and think, “Wow, their life is so perfect, their habits are so amazing, I want to be like this!” The thought that followed was:

“Shame on me for not living healthy like them!”

So I would try to make a radical change — fix my diet, start working out, meditate, sleep 8+ hours a day… All at once! I was trying to hit a reset button. But, surprise-surprise, the reset button doesn’t exist.

My new mantra is:

Baby steps = lasting change.

If you’re on a healthy living journey, this mindset shift will change it all because it removes the anxiety around changing your lifestyle. And, since anxiety translates into procrastination…



Denny Pencheva, MD
In Fitness And In Health

Medical doctor, clinical nutrition resident, science-backed health advice enthusiast. I'll give you my best hacks to get 1% healthier every day!