7 Strategies to Break Through a Weight Loss Plateau

How you can get the scale moving again

Suzie Glassman
In Fitness And In Health


By Cathy Yeulet

It doesn’t matter how much weight we have to lose; we all hit the dreaded plateau at some point. You’re doing everything right. Maybe you have the occasional “cheat” meal here and there, but all in all, weight loss has been going along steadily.

Then, bam! A slap in the face. The needle refuses to budge any further. It may last days to months, and it usually comes when we are in the home stretch of reaching our weight loss goal.

According to Medical News Today,

Research shows that weight loss plateaus happen after about 6 months of following a low calorie diet.

Doctors are unsure why weight loss plateaus occur, but some theories include:

* the body adapts to weight loss and defends itself against further weight loss

* people stop following their diets after a few months

* the metabolism slows down if a person loses weight quickly

I often remind clients that not all plateaus are bad. If you’ve lost 20 pounds and can keep it off (even though you want to lose 10 more), that’s a great sign. The longer you give your body time to adjust to a new low weight while allowing yourself to slowly eat…

