7 Tips to Walk 7 Miles Per Day

In Fitness And In Health
9 min readJul 11, 2022


Photo by Jordan McQueen on Unsplash

When I tell people that I walk seven miles per day on average, they are typically at least a little bit impressed.

I issue the disclaimer here that when it comes to those who are serious walkers, seven miles is not very impressive. I have a friend at work with two siblings, both retired, who average over ten per day. Both are wealthy and retired, thus having more time to walk during the day than I do.

But when it comes to the dozens of regular old working stiffs and other non-retirees like I am, they usually consider seven miles to be a good amount of walking.

It’s not as if walking is all that I do. After all, at my typical clip of just over three miles per hour, seven miles amounts to two-and-a-third hours of walking per day. Myriad studies and articles urge one to walk at a faster clip, perhaps even shorter distances than what I walk, in order to burn more calories. So, when I am more motivated or having a day in which I feel better than usual, I too can get my seven miles done in closer to two hours.

The other thing that I tell the many people who know about my obsession to get at least seven miles per day is that walking is basically my only exercise. Due to a series of injuries that I have sustained over the years, the two worst while playing sports, I no longer play basketball, baseball, or tennis like I…



In Fitness And In Health

A married father of two adult children and a Morkie. Long-time economic developer, former P.O., avid reader, thinker, investor, and walker.