8 Gym Ball Exercise Variations

Leon Ward
In Fitness And In Health
4 min readOct 14, 2022

Need inspiration for these exercise balls? Well I got some fun variations w/ the Stability (Swiss) Ball, Medicine Ball, Wall Ball & Slam Ball.

First things first, these are available at most commercial gyms and are highly effective for fat burning/cardio/stability/power. Let’s look at their strengths.

Stability (Swiss) Ball

Best for balance, strength, great for abdominal/core. Most of the exercises I’ve come across seem to be quiet. They’re inexpensive and will make a great addition to any home gym.

1 — Stability Ball Mason Twist

Your core has to naturally work harder to balance yourself — looks fun right!

2 — Stability Ball Reverse Lunge

Ever seen a reverse lunge on a Stability Ball? Tried these for the first time and they’re fun! These will help your leg/core balance.

Medicine Ball

These are hard and have a bounce to it. Best for fat burning, cardio & endurance style training. If you’re slamming these into the ground these are very noisy. Best to use in a facility/gym.

3 — Medicine Slam & Toss

Hands down, one of my favourite moves I’ve done. They’re fun, dynamic and easy to add to any HIIT, Bootcamp, Endurance-style training.

4 — Medicine Rainbow Slam

These are great to combine some power with endurance. The harder you slam, the higher the bounce. Will get your heart rate up very quickly…

Wall Ball

These are soft, but again have a slight bounce to them (good for catching). Like the Medicine Ball, best for fat burning, cardio, endurance & power style training. Best to use in a facility/gym.

5 — Wall Ball Squat Throw

The most common exercise you’ll likely see is the wall ball throw. Popular for Crossfitters, bootcamps, circuit-style training.

6 — Wall Ball Chest Slam

A bit of an unusual one but I actually like this variation. It requires more power — the more force the bigger the bounce.

Slam Ball

These are soft, but have little to no bounce. This makes it more appropriate for power-based exercises because you’re most likely to stop & start. Best to use in a facility/gym.

7 — Slam Ball Wall Throw (Lunge)

In split stance, twist the core and fire the ball at the wall. This move was introduced to us by Gainz Fit and falls into a ‘strength & conditioning’ exercise.

Fun fact: Search for an exercise and type in ‘kamehameha’ in the keywords.

8 — Slam Ball Plank Overhead Slam

Think of a burpee and with an overhead slam. It’s a bit technical but I promise, your heart rate increase significantly. Great for circuit-style, bootcamp training.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully you’ve gained inspiration on how to use some of the equipment above. Trust me, these are fantastic to add to your training regiment. Tried any? Let me know :)

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Leon Ward
In Fitness And In Health

Product Director of Fitain — a Health & Fitness app. Writing: Health, Fitness & Fitain. Get in touch via Linktree: https://linktr.ee/leonward