8 Seemingly Innocuous Household Items You Use Every Day That Put Your Longevity at Risk

Fortunately, a few easy swaps can help extend your lifespan!

Corrie Alexander
In Fitness And In Health


Image Credit: AndreyBezuglov on Depositphotos

Even though I eat healthy, mostly organic food and exercise regularly, I keep learnings about new things I do every day that are shortening my lifespan — without my even realizing it.

And you probably are too.

I’m not talking about the obvious things like smoking and drinking. I’m talking about the household items you use every day without thinking twice.

It seems that whenever I make one healthy change, there are ten more things I discover I’m doing that are unhealthy. But just because the journey to optimal health is frustrating and inconvenient doesn’t mean it should be ignored.

All you can do is your best!

So to that end, here are nine such everyday items that shorten your lifespan and what you can do about it.

1. Your Toothpaste

Here I was brushing my pearly whites religiously two times a day, thinking I was extending my lifespan by doing so. After all, studies show that those who regularly brush their teeth significantly reduce their risk of death.

