8 Ways to Stay Productive in Quarantine

Natalya Jones
In Fitness And In Health
3 min readDec 4, 2020
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Chances are, you always complained about not having enough time, and wished for more of it. Well, that wish came true, just not in the way you imagined it. With another surge of COVID-19 and increased mask mandates, we’ll be at home for a bit longer. Here are 8 ways to remain productive during quarantine.

1. Declutter

If there’s even been a time to KonMari every single item you own, now is the time. Clothes, paperwork, photo albums, laptop documents, pictures on social media — nothing is off limits. When you’re done decluttering, tidy up and organize everything that’s left over.

2. Take Courses

Google Skillshop has a ton of free courses you can take to brush up or learn digital skills. The best part? It’s free. You can also take project management courses, Excel courses, or anything you’ve been dying to learn but haven’t had the time to.

3. Clean or Do Home Improvement Projects

Make dusting a weekly habit, tackle the mildew on your patio, or finally get to that home project you’ve been putting off. You’ll feel accomplished after tackling those goals and your home will look better. Double whammy.

4. Read

You’re not going to a bar anytime soon, so grab that lonely book out of your “to read” stack and get started. See if your library does curbside pickup, and put some books on hold to cozy up with.

5. Update Your Resume and LinkedIn

With new unemployment claims coming to light, now is the time to be proactive: update your LinkedIn and fine tune your resume. While you’re at it, practice your virtual job interview skills. Tip: make sure you have multiple versions of your resume catered to different types of jobs you apply for.

6. Freshen Up Your Blog or Website

If your blog hasn’t been updated since 2013, don’t wait until the New Year to give it a makeover. Chances are, you’ve changed a lot since then, and it’s time to showcase it. Use a new background, re-categorize your posts, upload new photos — the options are endless.

7. Embrace Those Hobbies

Bike outdoors (safely), or write that novel that’s been on your bucket list. Knit, cook an elaborate meal, paint — there’s no limit to what you can do.

8. Veg Out

You may not have this much time on your hands until retirement. Embrace it. It’s okay to not be productive all the time and instead take a full day of rest. Because once things eventually return to normalcy, you’ll wish for more free time.

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Natalya Jones
In Fitness And In Health

Natalya’s work has been published in Shondaland, HuffPost, Elite Daily, ACTIVE, and more. Visit JonesingForJournals.com.