9 Fitness and Fat Loss Myths That Need to Go Away Forever

Get the truth today so you can build your best body tomorrow

Sean Barker, CPT, PN2
In Fitness And In Health
9 min readMar 12, 2024


Photo by Geert Pieters on Unsplash

You've probably heard a lot of advice on how to get fit and lose fat, along with statements that might appear to be true, such as:

“If you eat at night, you’ll gain weight!”

“Eating too many carbs makes you fat!”

“Doing cardio is the best way to burn fat!”

After 26 years of coaching in health and fitness, science has debunked many of those myths, but some persist.

In this article, I’ll give you the fast-hitting facts and bust nine of these fitness and fat loss myths wide open!

Myth #1. Muscle weighs more than fat

I continue to hear this common statement that muscle weighs more than fat, and it’s false. Muscle and fat weigh the same, provided they are equal in weight.

It’s no different in that a pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of rocks or that a calorie is a calorie. These are all forms of measurement.

However, muscle tissue is more dense than fat, so it takes up less space on your body. Building muscle while losing body fat can improve body composition, resulting in a firmer body and…



Sean Barker, CPT, PN2
In Fitness And In Health

Award-winning fitness coach and best-selling author of The Easy Eating Diet and cookbook. Apply for Online Custom FIT Coaching here: https://bit.ly/3wzBhHH