9 Tiny Habits Of Genuinely Healthy People

Fitness is more than clean eating and working out

Thomas J. Hahn
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash

We all have this one friend who exaggerates a healthy lifestyle completely.

They are always weighing their food, taking their lunch boxes to work, working out 6 times a week, avoiding junk food by any means, and eating broccoli with chicken and rice.

At least that’s the picture most of us have in mind.

I was like that at the beginning of my 20’s. Not knowing any better, I thought there was only this one way to eat and live healthily and I judged everybody who didn’t have the same opinion.

I thought the others were wrong, and I was right. That’s never an intelligent approach. It’s not respecting everybody’s freedom to eat what they want.

Because I’ve been there myself, I know that some people approach living a healthy lifestyle in an unhealthy way. What I mean is they tend to think theirs is the only way and try to convince everyone.

It’s important to permit yourself to eat not only what you want sometimes, but also that true fitness and a genuinely healthy lifestyle are not only limited to what you eat or how often you train at the gym.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be these old people in small Italian villages who…



Thomas J. Hahn
In Fitness And In Health

BA in Business; Fitness trainer and personal coach; I'm writing about Diet, Health and Fitness. 🇦🇹 IG: @tommysphysiqueupgrade