A Bunch of Reasons You NEED To Be Doing Nordic Hamstring Curls

What a delicious exercise

Geoffrey Verity Schofield
In Fitness And In Health


The hamstrings are sadly one of the most forgotten muscle groups out there, for both aesthetics and athletics. When people DO train them, I see endless numbers of machines and barbell or dumbbell free weight movements to build up this area.

Little did they know that perhaps the best of all the hamstring exercises was a lowly bodyweight movement. Time to turn those hamstrings…into hamropes.

The hamstrings have two main functions — to extend the hip and to flex the knee. Hinging movements like deadlifts of all sorts and varieties…

…good mornings…

and back extensions…

…work on this aspect of hamstring functionality. Curling varieties work on knee flexion, and are often…

