A Hero’s Journey: Building Your Healthy Diet in a World Awash With Empty Calories

Ten levels to vanquishing the legions of unhealthy temptations that surround us every day

Schalk Cloete
In Fitness And In Health


Image created by Janet Cloete

Building a healthy diet in today’s world is a true hero’s journey — an epic battle past legions of sugary, fatty, and salty temptations to the ultimate prize of a long life enjoyed in optimal health.

Sometimes, especially when life gets us down, resisting these temptations can feel impossible. There are setbacks, as there must be in any good adventure. But if we pick ourselves up and persevere, the experience will upgrade our physical environment and our habits, taking our diet to the next level.

Having been on this journey for over a decade now, it was interesting to look back through all the levels that shaped the near-perfect diet I enjoy today. Interestingly, I found a nice round total of ten.

But before we start this epic level-up journey, we need to understand the SAD place most folks will need to start from.

Level 0: Standard American Diet (SAD)

Every hero’s journey involves a powerful villain that pushes the hero to their limit. In this case, it’s the SAD (a.k.a. the Western diet).

