How To Build a Big Chest — The Complete Guide

Develop your chest fully with just four movements.

David Welburn
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Sahil Khaliq:

Almost every man that lifts weights would like to build a big chest. In fact, there’s probably no other muscle group that trainees are more interested in developing than their pecs. And that’s understandable, as a good, well-developed chest looks extremely impressive, and makes you look much bigger, both in clothes and out of them.

The structure of the chest musculature is very simple. It comprises the large, fan-shaped, pectoralis major, and underneath this is the much smaller pectoralis minor. The pectoralis major has two heads — the upper (clavicular) head and the lower (sternocostal) head, which is by far the larger of the two.

All chest exercises work both heads of the pectoralis major, so you can’t “isolate” either one of them. But you can put more emphasis on one than the other. So, to properly develop your chest, you need two main exercises, but the addition of a further two will give you even better results. The exercises are as follows:

Bench Press

The bench press is the main compound chest exercise. It works the pecs, with assistance from the shoulders and triceps, placing most of the emphasis on the lower head. You can do these flat, or with a slight decline, and…



David Welburn
In Fitness And In Health

Fitness Instructor with over 45 years of lifting experience. Former Biomedical Scientific Officer. Top writer in Health.