A Look At My Fitness Journey and How It Changed Me

Drthefit | Ankita
In Fitness And In Health
7 min readSep 25, 2020


Image Source: Google Images

Fitness is not about being better than anyone else. It’s about being better than you used to be. I’ve always been passionate about fitness and working out on and off my entire life.

Initially when I started, I didn’t know the technicality behind the work out routine. But slowly I started reading about fitness and what type of work out I should add to achieve my goals.

I am not an expert in fitness but want to share my fitness journey and how it has changed me as a person. Sure, I’ve had ups, downs. I’ve gained, I’ve lost and I’ve learned. Everyone’s journey is different and this one is mine.

Since last couple of years, I decided to make a change in my fitness routine and gave serious thoughts. Soon I realized, I need to understand my body better and find things that can actually help me with my fitness goals.

Image Source: Unsplash

Many many years back, when I first walked in to a gym, I had absolutely no idea what to do in the gym, nor where to even begin, but as time went on, I figured it out. I met very kind people in gym who really helped me out to work around gym equipment, machines and even helped to complete my sets.



Drthefit | Ankita
In Fitness And In Health

15x Top Writer. Inspiring the world through Personal Development and Creating Part-Time. Join my email list: https://drthefit.substack.com