An Important Vegetable that can be Used as a Natural “Fat-Burner”

Psycho Health
In Fitness And In Health
2 min readSep 19, 2020
Source Downloaded from Unsplash

Carrot and carrot juice are recommended by almost every nutritionist for every disease like cancer and even in Obesity.

Mainly carrots consist of more Vitamins like vitamin A and beta-carotene. We can use carrot simply in raw or we can use it in juicy which is an easy digest.

How can we make carrot Juice: Take fresh carrots(if they are organic you can use their peel) then mix them with black-pepper and spoon of coconut oil (or) olive oil. oil is used to digest fats in the carrot and pass to cells of the body.
Starting your day with this will be beneficial to the body. you can add some lemon.

keeping our liver healthy is an important task to eliminate the toxins.

Benefits: black pepper, oil, and lemon make it alkaline vegetable juice. This is the best nutrition for your human body.
Juice reaches the liver and fixes liver enzymes. this is why nutritionists recommend this juice to liver cancer and also this can be used for the treatment of liver cirrhosis.

The liver has the task of burning fat. cleaning your liver is the most important task in Weight loss i.e, burning fat. so people so want to burn-fat or who are struggling in weight loss but cant is because of properly not cleaning the liver.

carrot consists of more fiber which is used to clean your liver.



Psycho Health
In Fitness And In Health

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