A Simple Strategy to Keep Your Body in Fat-Burning Mode

How to make sure you burn fat, every day.

Ashley Richmond
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

If you’re looking to reduce your body fat, you’ve probably heard that you should have frequent, small meals, because it’s “good for the metabolism”.

However, as with a lot of topics in the sphere of nutrition, this is a complicated matter, and the current literature is leaning towards avoiding snacks if we want to reduce our body fat. Frequent snacking leads to greater fat gain due to the body remaining in fat-making mode from the constant influx of food. Therefore, for optimal health, we want to avoid eating between meals. This allows our fat-making processes to switch off and our bodies to start burning stored fat.

Here’s some of the science behind why we should avoid snacking, and how you can implement this in your life.

The Problem with Snacking

Our body’s fat-making process stays on

If we are continually eating throughout the day without a break, our body’s fat-making processes will remain on.

According to Dr. Satchin Panda, fat-storing only turns off after 2 hours without food. Therefore, we want to aim for about 3–4 hour blocks of time throughout the day where we are not consuming…



Ashley Richmond
In Fitness And In Health

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