A Simple Trick To Outsmart Your Junk Food Cravings

The lazy volume hack

Pavle Marinkovic
In Fitness And In Health
3 min readAug 14, 2024


An image with Dall-E

Ever notice how when you’re stressed out, you end up inhaling that bag of chips or grabbing a pint of ice cream without thinking twice?

Or how a quick trip to the supermarket turns into a regret-filled spree of junk food because you weren’t really paying attention?

However, changing your habits doesn’t have to be a Herculean effort. You don’t have to change your entire routine. There’s one tweak that can actually help your body make better choices for you.

If you want to make healthier choices when you’re shopping, it’s not just about what you put on your list — it’s about what you put in your ears.

The simple volume trick you need to know

In 2017, a group of researchers wanted to figure out if the volume of background music in places like cafes and restaurants affects what kinds of food people choose — whether they go for healthy options like salads or unhealthy ones like cakes.

They experimented in 3 stages with a total of 364 participants (female: 219, male: 145).

  1. They first ran a small experiment with college students to see if loud or soft music affects their heart rates. Higher heart rates mean more excitement…

