A Top Nutrient You’re Throwing Away & 5 Reasons Why You Should Eat It

For years we’ve focused on egg whites when the yolk is an essential nutrient source

Ange Dim
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Haoward Nguyen on Unsplash

I made many mistakes during my muscle-building years, as we all have.

Throwing out the yolk of an egg was one of these mistakes.

I believed that the fat in the yolk would increase my caloric intake, diminishing my chances of losing the body fat I needed to look my best for competition day.

If only I knew better back then.

Still, many people throw that precious yellow sunshine in the bin every day, believing it to be bad for their cholesterol levels and contain ‘too much fat’, which surpasses the necessary daily intake.

If you throw away the yolk, you’re also eliminating the many beneficial effects it can have on your health and longevity.

Perhaps egg whites taste a lot better — but keeping the yolk will do much more for you than most nutrients available on the market.

Benefit One: Egg yolks help to build muscle

This is my absolute favourite benefit when it comes to eating egg yolks.



Ange Dim
In Fitness And In Health

Multi-passionate creative who's immersed in health, wellness, exercise and loves creating healthy recipes. Low carb Recipes: https://bit.ly/4cHgO8r