All About High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

A fitness protocol proven to make you stronger and faster

Scott Mayer
In Fitness And In Health


Credit: Leon Martinez on Pexels

Chances are you’ve heard of High Intensity Interval Training*, also known as HIIT. The gist of it is this: HIIT is a cardiovascular exercise strategy alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less intense recovery periods.

In other words, you exercise with utmost intensity for a short amount of time, usually 30–90 seconds, then you recover for a longer period of time, usually 2–4 minutes. This intense burst of activity + recovery period = 1 interval.

HIIT is key when it comes to boosting endurance, increasing metabolism, regulating insulin levels and losing body fat, says fitness expert and celebrity trainer Rob Sulaver. “All exercise helps burn fat by burning calories,” he says. “More intense exercise burns more fat…it’ll also improve your endurance, complement your strength development, and help you get shredded.”

Here’s an example:

  • Warmup 5–7 minutes with an easy jog
  • 30 second CONTROLLED sprint near maximum effort
  • 2–3 minutes of easy jogging to catch your breath
  • Repeat this process 8 times
  • Cool down 5–7 minutes with an easy jog or walk

