10 Life Lessons I Learned About Fitness and Health in the NBA

Trevor Huffman
In Fitness And In Health
9 min readDec 9, 2023


Photo by THE 5TH on Unsplash

“I’ve never lost a game, I just ran out of time.” — Micheal Jordan

Time creates a unique paradox in how we choose to live and stay fit

All of us have access to the same amount of time each day to use, or create, or become, or sell, or build, or practice (until the unknown day we kick the bucket), but how each of us uses our time remains entirely subjective.

I recently tried to do life math. This is what I came up with: there are 1,440 minutes in a day. This means there are 86,400 seconds or moments to be or do something meaningful today.

Each second or minute adds up the moments or progress of our life in what we choose to do, be, focus on, think about, or not do.

While I was in the NBA, I watched how the greats use their time differently to be the fittest, best athlete versions of themselves — how the quality and efficiency and consistency of what they do dictated how great they became.

Looking back, these NBA athletes taught me more about life and fitness than I knew.

Great athletes never back down from this one thing

“To learn to succeed, you must first learn to fail.” — Michael



Trevor Huffman
In Fitness And In Health

Hi. I'm Trevor. I write about egoless living relative to sports, business, leadership, and fitness. Subscribe today.